If you died tonight, would you go to heaven? Why? Because you're a good person? OK, let's run through some of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20).
- Have you ever told a lie? (Ex. 20:16)
- Have you ever stolen. No? Come on...you already told me you're a liar! (Ex. 20:15)
- Have you ever dishonored your parents? ...by not listening, or talking back...? (Ex. 20:12)
- Have you ever looked at someone with lust? Jesus said that this is adultery in the heart. (Ex. 20:14 & Mt. 5:28)
- Have you ever been angry at someone for no good reason? God considers this murder in the heart. (Ex. 20:13 & Mt. 5:21,22)
Then he arose from the dead, which was God saying he approved of the sacrifice. Imagine Jesus taking all of your sins, every single one and putting them on his back right before the Roman soldiers started whipping at it with a cat of nine tails, with pieces of glass, etc. until his intestines started to protrude. This is why Jesus is love. Not because if we follow him, we'll be able to make the next car payment, but because he loved us so much he died for us. Romans 5:8 But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
If we do not repent and put our faith in Jesus Christ, we won't make it. It's the plain truth. We are sinful and headed for hell. That's the bad news. Jesus paid the price for us, and it's there if we ask him to accept us, and live for him. That's the good news, or "gospel" as the Bible calls it. If we repent and put our trust in Jesus (like we trust a parachute to save our life when we jump out of a plane), God will give us a new heart with new desires, granting us the gift of repentance (Acts 5:31).
Think about what I said about how to get to heaven. I don't know if you're saved. You and God only know. So, if you don't think you are, pray about it.
I'm only telling you this cause I care for you and I want to make sure I see you in heaven. I'm not pointing fingers. Believe me, I'm a much bigger sinner than the likes of ya. Remember that we only get to heaven because of what HE did. If we depend on our own good works, we're headed for the oven. Ephesians 2:8,9 For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift - not from works, so that no one can boast.
You may not believe in God, the Bible, or what I have stated above, but I beg you to at least think about this today. Chew on it. Consider it. Don't let the day go buy until you have at least thought about your salvation.
Plus, it says in James that if we break one of God's laws we've broken all of them anyway.