annhilationists – those who believe all humans not believing in Jesus, will cease to exist at death.
Arians – those who believe Jesus became God.
Arminians – those who believe saved humans are not predetermined by God.
cessationists – those who believe supernatural gifts and miracles ceased when the apostles died.
demythologists – those who believe the Bible is a combination of myth and history.
diabolic ransomists – those who believe Jesus death payed a debt to the devil.
dispensationalists – those who believe God saves people in different ways at different times.
ecumenicists – those who believe all churches ought to set aside their differnences for the sake of unity and become one big church.
egalitarians – those who believe men are women are the same in every way and therefore either gender may equally occupy any role in life or leadership.
eschatological nationalists or theonimists – those who believe that in the end Christians will take over human governments and institute God’s law.
humanists – those who believe humans are the highest beings and can save themselves.
hyper-Calvinists – those who believe God does not use means in saving humans and believe evangelism is not needed.
individualists – those who believe our individual selves are our chief and primary concern.
isolationists – those who believe Christianity is best lived out in seperation from other people(s).
libertarians – those who believe humans have a will which is free to make uncaused decisions.
monarchians – those who believe Jesus was not fully human.
mono-episcopists – those who believe there should only be one pastor of a local church.
moral fundamentalists – those who believe Christians ought to refrain from practices that could be abused and lead one into sin.
moralists – those who believe doing good deeds earns one salvation.
naturalists – those who those who believe reality is purely sensual (see, feel, hear, taste & touch).
new perspectivists – those who believe Jesus death was not a legal transaction before God satisfying the just demands of God’s wrath which is imputed to believers and instead was merely a demonstration of God’s faithfulness to his covenant.
nihilists – those who believe in nothing.
open theists – those who believe God is changing and/or evolving with the open future.
pantheists – those who believe everything is god.
papists – those who believe the pope is the final and ultimate spiritual authority.
Pelagians – those who believe humans are essentially good and can earn their salvation.
Pentecostals – those who believe all Christians need to have their own experience of Pentecost where they begin speaking in tongues.
perfectionists – those who believe humans can become perfect before death or Jesus’ return.
pluralists – those who believe all ways or religions lead to the same god.
polytheists – those who believe there are many gods.
relativists – those who believe truth is relative to the person, place, or situation.
revisionists who merely follow Jesus as a good teacher – those who believe the only accounts of Jesus we should accept as history are ones not presenting him as deity.
sacramentalists – those who believe partaking of the sacraments saves a person.
theological postmodernists – those who believe there is no objective truth because we are in a post-modern and supposed post-truth era.
universalists – those who believe all humans will be saved in the end.