Thursday, July 5, 2012

Same Sex Marriage, Abortion, and America

Same sex marriage: Through following a distorted meaning of “love,” some in the present day
have condoned homosexual practice, without realizing that biblical love excludes
homosexuality because of its sinfulness. Christians can best share the gospel with
homosexuals by calling their lifestyle what the Bible calls it—sin. Genesis 1–2,
Matthew 19, and Ephesians 5 describe clearly the way that God has instituted
marriage as a monogamous, heterosexual relationship. Genesis 19, Jude 7, and 2
Peter 2 illustrate how the Fall almost immediately eroded the purity of human
sexuality, including a devastation of the divine institution of marriage. Leviticus 18
and 20 and Romans 1 lay out very plainly God’s instructions about how repulsive
homosexuality is in God’s sight. Yet Isaiah 56 and 1 Corinthians 6 make plain God’s
plan for homosexuals to find freedom and forgiveness through a life-changing faith
in Jesus Christ. The door is wide open for homosexuals and lesbians to accept God’s
invitation. - John MacArthur

Abortion: Abortion is murder. That many people who have had abortions call themselves Christians does not change that fact that abortion is the the taking of one's life. The statement that "Christians" have had abortions does not mean that it is OK to kill a baby in the womb, whom God has created... I, too believe in equality and education, but God's Word has to come first. If we do not put God first as a country, we fail. Am I judging? OK, sure.It is OK to judge, as long as we judge lovingly. I don't hate those who are gay or who have had abortions. But I haven't forgotten that I too am a sinner and am not excluded from God's law. I have failed as well, but supporting abortion and gay marriage is going against the Word of God...and that is wrong.

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