Sunday, December 30, 2012

Do you live by sight, or do you live by faith?

Just came back from church. It was a great service. We had a guest speaker by the name of Will Franklin Graham. The name sounds familiar, doesn't it? This is the grandson of the famous and well-loved Billy Graham and the oldest son of Franklin Graham.

Graham opened his Bible to read from 1 Samuel, 1:1-20, which speaks of Samuel's mother, Hannah. She had been barren and could not have children. She was living in misery, until she stopped "living by sight" and started "living by faith". Thereafter, she left the sanctuary with joy, even though her problems at home still lingered. She later gave birth to her son, Samuel, and dedicated him to the Lord.  

It's really something to chew on today - Do we live by sight, or do we live by faith? Do we have joy, or do we have misery eating away at us and taking over our lives?

God bless.

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